If we educate children to overwhelm prejudice and stereotypes towards their peers, if we teach them how to deal with conflicts using peaceful and non-violent ways and guide them towards creative, preventive and structured content, children will in their peers, instead of fights and conflicts, find friends and associates.
In order to achieve that goal, Union of the Societies Our children Croatia has started a project “100 people, 100 temperaments” in cooperation with three schools in cities Čakovec, Ogulin and Slatina and with primary Our children societies. Project is approved by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports as part of framework – prevention of violence among children and youth. An education for the coordinators / mentors of workshops for children and youth will be held within the project. They will cover topics such as anti-discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice, respect for diversity and non-violent conflict management so that children are encouraged to prevent violence. Education about peace and tolerance are directly affecting on prevention against violent behavior among children and peers, especially at school. Beside the workshops for children, at schools which are participating in project will be set “boxes” whose purpose is to collect anonymous messages left by children exposed to violence from their peers in order for adults to help them solve that problem. By implementing this project, we are planning a lot of activities such as communication exercises, games, mediations, discussions, debates, posters and exhibitions in order to encourage children’s responsibility for their actions, peace, tolerance and non-violence.
Active children participation in life of local community – Children’s councils
“Active children participation in life of local community – Children’s councils “ is continuation and result of Union’s work for children’s participation in Croatia as a response on social needs and challenges for protection of children’s rights and participation.
Main goal: to improve children’s active participation and to promote children’s participatory rights as well as raising public awareness about the importance of children’s participation in society.
Specific goals:
– Empowerment of children and coordinators/mentors in Children’s councils to initiate and implement local projects for children that will contribute to development of cross-sector cooperation and realization of children’s participatory rights (in school, family, community).
– Motivating and sensitizing adults on changing attitudes
- Children and coordinators /mentors camp for exchanging experiences, knowledge, examples of good practice and networking
- 11th Children’s council meeting
- Promotion of children’s participation and informing about project on a national level
Between 25 and 30 Children’s councils in Croatia will be included in this project: Belišće, Bjelovar, Čakovec, Čazma, Donji Miholjac, Dubrovnik, Koprivnica, Grubišno Polje, Krapina, Križ, Kutina, Mali Lošinj, Nova Gradiška, Ogulin, Omiš, Opatija, Osijek, Pleternica, Požega, Prelog, Pula, Rovinj, Sisak, Slavonski Brod, Šibenik, Tuhelj, Varaždin, Varaždinske Toplice, Velika Gorica, Vinkovci and Zabok.
Received funding: 31.000,00 HRK
“Fighting against poverty and social exclusion and for children’s rights”
In period from October 2013 to 30th June 2014 – the Union of Societies Our Children will include 15 most active Children’s councils according to regional representation in this project. Trough targeted actions, the children from Children’s forums with the assistance of adults – coordinators/mentors from their local community will promote fighting against child poverty and social exclusion as well as contribute to the fulfillment of child rights. As they participate in activities of Children’s forum, they will get to know problems and needs of their peers in local community, quality of social services and problem of child poverty in EU and worldwide.
By implementing the project following activities are planned:
1. Children’s forums in action – children included in activities of Children’s forum will initiate an action or activities to raise awareness about child poverty and social exclusion which will enable the children from poor families to participate in activities of Children’s forum and achieve the rights of equal opportunities.
2. Organizing the 17th Croatian Children’s forums meeting covering the topic of child poverty and social exclusion – the children from forums who participate in project will present the results of workshops that were held, initiated actions and original messages that were chosen as slogans to fight against child poverty and social exclusion of vulnerable groups of children.
Received funding: 34.000, 00 HRK
The Grigor Vitez award
Union of Societies Our Children Croatia is the founder and organizer of the Grigor Vitez award.
The award is given annually for the most original artistic and educational books for children to writers and illustrators. Beside the award, every year are given special commendations for editors and book publishers for their contribution in children’s literature.
All the details about applying for the award are available at Union of Societies Our Children telephone numbers: +385 149 22 959 or +385 149 22 957; or e-mail address (contact: Snježana Krpes).
The Grigor Vitez award is financially supported by the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of science, education and sports and Office for education, culture, and sports of city Zagreb.
Project “Budi NEovisan “ / “Be independent” in cooperation with Ministry of social policy and youth
Poster was made by: Ivana Guljašević.
For project “Budi NEovisan” (“Be independent”) Union of societies “Our children” is cooperating with primary “Our children” societies from all over Croatia in continuing the child strengthening as well as raising the public awareness about importance of drug abuse prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyle in a local community.
Activities will be creative and focused on child participation: non-formal education, peers solidarity, theatre workshops, anti-alcohol educational workshops, creativity workshops about addiction and healthy lifestyles, local child campaigns that commemorate dates dedicated to fighting drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism.
During the project the Union will collect messages, slogans, children’s drawings, comics and Internet stories as part of creative competition (on topic addiction and healthy lifestyles), publish them and choose the most original ones at the final project presentation in Opatija on 31th May 2014.
A short promotional movie will be filmed with celebrity persons, whose message and life experience will positively promote the impact of healthy and safe choices, right decisions, built self-respect and self-confidence in addiction prevention among children and youth.
We want to thank Monomedia d.o.o. for making the promotional movie and for the promotion of project “Be Independent”.
International project “Children and youth don’t recognize borders” is implemented under the framework of Operative programme IPA Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013.
Goal of this project is to connect and encourage the cooperation between organizations which are focusing on children and youth – Union of Societies Our children and Friends of Youth Association Slovenia, to share knowledge and good practice when it comes to anti-discrimination, child participation, cultural cooperation and raising public awareness of local community about importance of coexistence in border region by accepting and respecting diversities and human rights.
Project partners:
Croatian partners are Union of Societies Our Children Croatia (leading partner) and Society Our Children Varaždin; Slovenian partners are Friends of Youth Association Slovenia and Friends of Youth Association Maribor.
Funding: Co-financing for Croatian partners is provided from resources of Office for cooperation with NGO’s, Ministry of science, education and sports and city of Varaždin, while the government of Republic Slovenia provides financing for Slovenian partners.
Projektne aktivnosti
The following activities are planned for this project:
1) Research of stereotypes and prejudice among children and youth towards national minorities
2) Campaign for diminishing prejudice and stereotypes “100 people, 100 temperaments” with series of workshops for children and youth (topics are anti-discrimination and respect for diversity)
3) International camp for children and coordinators/mentors from Children’s forums Croatia and Children’s parliament Slovenia
4) One minute movie revue on topic “Life along the border”
5) Children’s music festival in Varaždin
Together with the children of the world (2007), Campaign against physical punishment of children (2009), Stop child poverty (2010), We will live in European Union (2010), Creating fairy tales (2010/2011), Sculpture exhibitions for children’s areas (2010), Alternative children’s report about children’s rights (2011), Children and youth don’t recognize borders – IPA project for cross cooperation Slovenia-Croatia (2011-2013), Be independent – addiction prevention among children in Our children societies (2012/2013), etc.