Democratic society focused on children and understanding the rights and needs of children while supporting them in developing their potentials and constructing the world that will measure them.
Union of Societies Our children is fighting for better position of child in society and protection of children’s rights according to the UN Convention of children’s rights as well as national and international documents for children. Mission is carried out in cooperation with other Our children societies and related associations by designing and organizing actions and activities with and for children in their free time.
The Union provides support to children’s participation in the local community and encourages local communities and institutions in the protection and care of children under the principle of the best interests of the child. Education programs and the promotion of responsible and quality parenting empowers parents for raising children and members for volunteering.
Values that are respected and followed through the activities of the Union are:
- Every child has the right to optimal growth and development.
- Children are equal members of society and they should be included in decision-making processes.
- Designed quality free time in order to develop self-confidence, talent and social values.
- Education of children and adults, based on the principles of tolerance, respect for diversity, non-discrimination and non-violence.
- Responsible parents.
- Promotion of volunteer work with children and for children.
- Regional network of primary societies Our children in the cities and municipalities.
- Fostering human values and community service.